Saturday, September 10, 2011

LordJesusChrist the Divine Healer per Malachi4:2

The Holy Bible has in it 3,566,480 letters, 810,677 words, 31,175 verses 1189 chapters and 66 books. The longest chapter is the 119th Psalm. The shortest and middle chapter is the 117th psalm. the middle verse is the 8th chapter of Isaiah verse1, and contains 18 letters. The word and occurs 46,627 times; the word Lord 1,855 times. The 37th chapter of Isaiah and the 19th chapter of II Kings are alike. The longest verse is Esther 8:9'; the shortest verse is John11:35. In Ezra 7:21 are all the letters of the alphabet except the letter j. The finest piece of reading is Acts 26th chapter. The name of God is not found in Esther. The Holy Bible contains knowledge, wisdom, the mind of God and the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of the sinner and the happiness of the believers. Its doctrines are holy; its precepts are binding; its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. It contains light to guide you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. God was 2,500 years getting ready to write the Bible; 1600 years writing it; and has been 2011 years fulfilling it. The word boy occurs in the Holy Bible three times and the word girl two times. Christ is the key to the entire book. Forty men were employed in its making, was written by doctors, farmers, fishers, kings, shepherds, old, young, rich, poor, learned, and unlearned. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass and the soldier's sword. Please learn it prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth and health to your soul and a river to pleasure. It is given to you in this life and will be opened to you at the judgement and it is established forever. If you want a crown of rejoicing when Lord Jesus returns to earth again, READ, LEARN, DIGEST like Mr.Francis Bacon said and lead lost souls to Christ and you will have a rich reward when He comes; II Timothy 2:15 is the key that will unlock the sacred book to you. READ, HEAR, KEEP what it contains and you will be happy and prosperous. Relevation1:3

AlmightyGodSoLoved the human being that HE created

him in His Image, but man backslided from the day Adam and Eve lost their childlike faith in obeying God because they did not obey God as He gave them freewill to eat of all the fruits of all the trees in the Garden of Eden except one tree is because God Created a help meet for Adam from his Twelvth rib; even modern day medicine from Cuvier to up to the medical professionals cannot explain God's Image Man has twelve ribs, help meet has eleven ribs. So God is God man is man. Nations are like drops of water in bucket.But He remembers me `For He knoweth my frame He remembereth that I am dust' The Awesomeness of God is more clearly described in Psalm104 and the Book of Job